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☕ Quantum computing 30 years away? So was Apple

Jan 08, 2025

Good morning!  👋

I’ve been up all night working on the One Bar Ahead® 2025 Annual Outlook and I’m keen to get back to that without breaking my concentration. 

But I do want to spend a moment on comments made by Nvidia’s CEO Jensen Huang who said that quantum computing is 30 years away. (Read)  

Investors are skitzing. 

Shares in every quantum player are down hard. 


So what! 

Apple was 30 years away once upon a time, too. 

Don’t give a toot? 

Think again. 

In January 1995, Apple's stock price was approximately $0.30 per share, adjusted for subsequent splits. As of January 6, 2025, the stock closed at $245.00 per share.  

That’s an 81,000% return. 

It’s also enough to turn every $1,000 invested in Apple back then into more than $810,000 today if you held on. Those who “bought and managed” – something I encourage – may have done considerably better. 

I don’t care if you’re a nervous nellie or simply thick-skulled.

If you have conviction about specific stocks and you want to own ‘em, what the fruit loops are you waiting for??!! 

Days like today are a gift if you’re a serious investor or trader. 

I know what I’ll be doing and which quantum stocks I’ll be buying. 

If you’re an OBAer, you already know where I’m going with this and why. If not and you’d like to learn more, I’ll be here. 

You got this - I promise. 

As always, let’s MAKE it a great day! 

Keith 😀  

Straight to your inbox from Keith himself!

*Trusted by tens of thousands of savvy investors and traders around the world every day


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