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☕ History may not repeat, but it does rhyme

Jan 17, 2025

Good morning! 👋

As you know Keith is a big fan of studying history – you’ve likely heard him say that while history might not repeat itself, it certainly rhymes. 

This applies to investing as much as it does to life, and understanding this connection can make you a better investor!

For instance, many of the concepts that we are wrestling with in today’s world – such as social good, the public treasury, and the rise of major corporations – have their roots in Ancient Rome which Keith is busy exploring today before he speaks at an event later tonight.   


In the meantime, and keeping with the theme of Rome, here are 3 interesting facts about Ancient Rome you may not know: 

  1. Aqueducts: The Romans built efficient aqueducts that used gravity to transport fresh water over long distances through channels and bridges. These systems supplied public baths, toilets, and cities with more water per person than many modern cities! 
  2. Concrete: The Romans developed opus caementicium, a durable concrete made from volcanic ash, lime, and rubble. Its incredible strength is why structures like the Pantheon and aqueducts still stand today. 
  3. Newspapers: The Romans invented one of the earliest forms of newspapers, the Acta Diurna ("Daily Acts"). Carved on stone or metal and displayed in public spaces, it shared updates on military victories, legal matters, games, and even gossip. 

And with that, MAKE it a great day, 

Hayley E (Analyst) 😃 

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